Classic flavours, modern interpretation and deliciously yours, Every single time.

About us

We are confident that this coffee is the finest in Brisbane

Sam, one of our co-founders, arrived in Australia two decades ago to pursue studies in hospitality and culinary arts. Despite completing his education, he abstained from entering the restaurant industry due to his aversion to compromising on quality. However, when the opportunity arose to establish our radiology practice, we identified the issue at hand and resolved it by prioritizing high-quality food.

Sam agreed to join under the condition that quality takes precedence over financial gain, and he would have ownership of the building. With unanimous approval, Kloud99 was born. When asked to define Kloud99, Sam described it as the "best happy place," a sentiment echoed by all involved.

kloud99 best coffee
kloud99 coffee with snacks
kloud99 delicious coffee
kloud99 about us
kloud99 customer enjoy the coffee
kloud99 taste of cake
kloud99 best coffee
kloud99 coffee with snacks

Indulge in the delight of chocolate and cakes to enhance your mood.

We purchase the best coffee beans all over the world and we're proud to serve our customers with them.

A brewed drink prepared from roasted beans is coffee, or kaffir limea. The leafy green fruits are boiled and served as the base for thick custard spread with mousse, honey or other sweetener.

Events take place throughout the day without a break. This time, we are making some additional changes to our previous practice area in order not only accommodate for this but also provide easier access on short visits when needed.

Enjoy Coffee
from our Kloud 99

The coffee we serve is of the utmost excellence, ensuring a delightful experience for our patrons.

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